Once upon a time there was a dark, dark town. And in that dark, dark town there was a dark, dark, field. And in that dark, dark field Boris the horse lived with his trusty companion, the human.
Boris liked to go on adventures with his human, they would explore far and wide and encounter endless creatures of terror. Invisible monsters would jump out and try to eat poor Boris and then there were the dreaded hedge goblins which the human called pheasants.
Boris loved the adventures but each day he grew more and more anxious. His saddle hadn’t been fitting properly for quite a while and despite telling the human very politely that he needed a new one, the human didn’t listen.
One day, Boris and the human were out on one of there missions. The saddle was now pinching poor Boris and there seemed to be invisible monsters on every corner. Boris had had enough!
He threw the human at one of the monsters and ran as fast as he could all the way home. Phew, safe at last!
Now the human knew there was a problem. Boris was usually fearless and had never resorted to using her as a missile before. The human knew it was time to investigate.
The saddle needed to be checked but the human was panicking! “it’s going to cost a fortune”, “I don’t know what to expect!” and “Where do I even find a saddle fitter!?”.
The human bit the bullet and made contact with a local saddle fitter. After the appointment the human was in disbelief.
Poor Boris has been putting up with a poorly fitting saddle for a long time and the saddle fitter explained that this could be the cause of his anxiety. Their current saddle being quite old and worse for wear was no good but a replacement was easily found, Boris even got to try on lots of different saddles to see which one he and the human liked best and it didn’t cost anywhere near as much as the human had expected.
Now Boris and his human are back on their adventures but strangely the invisible monsters seem to have migrated (although the hedge goblins still pop out from time to time).
The End
Ok, it’s a silly story but a serious point. Poor saddle fit can cause a whole array of issues and excessive spooking is one of them. There are also a lot of misconceptions around saddle fitting and many horse owners assume that someone of going to try to sell them a really expensive saddle. This really isn’t the case. Yes, the budget needs to be realistic but there are plenty of second hand and ex-demo options available from saddle trial sites such as The Saddle Bank.
If you are worried about booking a saddle fitting appointment, give The Saddle Bank a call. They will be able to connect you up with a local fitter who will have access to a huge range of saddles to meet your budget and needs.