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Are You Too Heavy for your Horse? 

Are you concerned that you may be too heavy for your horse? Use our handy weight ratio calculator to find out. These calculations are based on guidelines from published research and include a 10kg allowance for tack and clothing. 

It is important to remember that there are variables which will affect the amount a horse can comfortably carry such as build, age, level of conditioning and riding style. 

As riders we need to be open to disclosing sensitive subjects such as body weight especially when working with your saddle fitter and there is no shame in this, even a slim rider can be heavy or too large for their horse. Pairing appropriate horses with riders should be an important aspect when we consider equine welfare.

Less than 10%

10 - 12%




15 - 18%


19% +

Very Heavy

If you are concerned about your weight ratio result please discuss this with your equine management team. 


It is important to be aware that if you are within the heavy to very heavy range finding a saddle which fits both you and your horse correctly may be present challenges and you will need to work collectively with your saddle fitter, body worker and coach to find a solution. 




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